Grandma’s Strawberry Jello


This is actually my mother-in-law’s recipe.  It was one of my son’s favorite jello’s that she made.  Soooo, it was always known as “Grandma’s Strawberry Jello”  🙂

So, if you look closely at the jello, you can see some white-ish lumps off to the side of the 9X13.  This is what happens when you dont pay attention and rush through making the jello.  Be sure to blend well!!  (PS…it still tasted great)

I can thank the hubby for the nice plate hold  😀

Grandma's Strawberry Jello

  • Servings: 9X13 or a very full 9X9 square
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1 Large Strawberry Jello

1  8-ounce cool whip

1  8-ounce cream cheese

1 large frozen bag of chopped strawberries (about 4 cups), thawed  (if tart, add 1 tablespoon of powdered sugar)

2 Cups of boiling water  (there is NO cold water added to this recipe)


Mix jello and boiling water.  Stir until the jello is completely dissolved.

Put thawed strawberries into a blender.  blend completely

Add strawberries to hot jello water.

In a separate bowl, use a hand mixer and mix the cream cheese and cool whip.  Blend completely.

Combine and refrigerate until ready to serve.

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